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Bridal Shower Invites:

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Bridal Shower Invites:

All You Need To Know

There are many options that you have to consider when it comes to purchasing the bridal shower invites. Everything that the invitation says or implies will be taken to heart by your potential guests. The first thing for you to consider is how many guests will be invited? This will be dependant on family size as well as your budget. Not everyone that is invited to the wedding has to be invited to the bridal shower, as it is generally reserved for just those with the closest of family connections. Nevertheless, both families need to be considered so the host should talk to both mother of the bride and the mother of the groom to prepare the guest list.

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Once you know how many invites you need, you can decide on the formality of the bridal shower. Determining where you will have the shower and the type of setting that will be offered, don’t worry about any of the other details until you have an idea about these two elements.

Getting this information together is a must. Take a few minutes to find the best options for your needs, put them together with both sides of the family and then you will be ready to start searching for the perfect invitations.

Don’t Let the Invites Break Your Budget

The bridal shower invitations that you select should fit within your budget. The invites shouldn’t be the most expensive item on your budget for the bridal shower, although it is often a wonderful thought to order custom made invitations that are elegant and sophisticated, it may not be appropriate.

First determine the type of wedding shower you and your guests will be enjoying. If this is a formal dinner party in which guests are expected to dress up and enjoy an elegant meal, then a formal invitation is more required. This may mean that professionally printed invitations are most appropriate.

One the other hand, if the wedding shower will take place in someone’s home or in another informal location, the bridal shower invitations Don’t need to be nearly as formal or as costly. You can make them yourself or you can purchase packaged invitations that you simply fill in the blanks.

Purchased or Homemade Bridal Shower Invitations?

If your budget is tight you may want to consider making your own bridal shower invitations. If you are very crafty, purchase some good quality papers and decorate them by hand. If you are not confident enough to make the invites, consider using a software programs to do the designing and printing for you. Many individuals have a high quality printer right in their own home that can handle the job and even produce professionally looking invitations.

Not sure if you should purchase the invites or make them yourself? Consider these things.

• Do you have the time to take on this project? Those without the time should consider looking into purchasing them. But, if you do have a few hours to set aside, then this is a great way to do them and stay on budget.

• Can you afford to purchase them? To have custom made bridal shower invitations, you will find the costs to be much higher. If you didn’t want to spend so much on the invitation but would rather invest that money into another wedding fund, consider making them yourself.

• Do you have what it takes? While software for designing invitations is not necessarily that expensive, if you Don’t have access to a good quality printer, you may not want to invest in one just for this project as it can be costly. But, you can take your job to a professional printer to be finished, which won’t cost you too much more.

What Information to Include?

Once you’ve gotten the basic invitation design together, your next goal is filling in the personal information. The bridal shower invites should provide key elements to your guest about the party, but it also has to give them some idea of what type of shower this will be. Bridal showers can be very simply with just a few people gathered for dinner at a home or they can be elaborate events in which formality isn’t a strong enough word to describe them.

What Goes Outside? The design elements of your bridal shower invites should provide you with an overall idea of what the formality of the bridal shower is. This will also be determined in the location that you provide, but should be somehow presented in the invitation. To do this, consider the design and elegance of your bridal shower invitation. If you are having a very formal event, you should consider the actual mention of such in the wording of the invitation.

What Goes Inside? When the guest gets her invitation, she needs to have specific information. This is where it is appropriate and often requested that you provide information about where the bride and groom have registered for their shower and wedding gifts.

Next, you’ll want to include the hostess’ name, the event and who it is for, the time, the location, and a response line with information on who they need to call to confirm that they are coming with a day of when they need to do this by.

Beyond the Invitations

Not only is it important to invite others to your bridal shower, but you will likely need to know who is coming and who they are bringing. Since the bridal shower is often hosted by one side of the family, usually the brides, it is still very important that the hostess work with both sides of the family to make sure that all information is presented.

Tracking who is invited is important. Both the bride’s mother and the groom’s mother (or sisters) can help you to provide this information. Create one master list and then, as you hear back from individuals, check them off including how many individuals are coming.

For a larger group of people, you’ll want to provide them with a response card which they can fill out with a yes if they are coming and how many will attend. This gets sent to you to track. If you still haven’t heard from some a week before the wedding, it is okay to pick up the phone and confirm.

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